18 novembro 2020

Dia 18/11 - Volta ao Brasil (Bon Jovi Trip 2000)

        Acordamos, comemos e fomos nos despedir de mais uma companheira de Trip: a mini van! Chuif! De lá, fomos direto para o aeroporto, que fica perto, e lá ficamos um bon tempo até a hora do vôo partir. Enquanto esperávamos, fizemos compras, visitamos um bar Cheers igual ao do seriado da Sony, acessamos a internet etc. 

        Até que chegou a hora de pegar o vôo. A essa altura, já pensávamos em voltar para nosso verdadeiro lar... Deixamos uma parte de nosso coração nos Estados Unidos, mas estávamos certos de que havíamos vivido tudo que podíamos durante esses dias. Tínhamos muito a agradecer e, principalmente, repetíamos em nossas cabeças o lema que norteou a viagem:

 It's my life, it's now or never!!!!!!!!!!!!!



(Southside Johnny & The Asbury Jukes)


I know that it's getting late

but I don't want to go home

I am in no hurry baby time can wait

I don't want to go home

Listen to the man sing his song

I don't want to go home

I don't mind baby to stay alnight long

cause I don't want to go home


Listen baby


I know we had to try

to reach up and touch the sky baby

what ever happend to you and I

that I don't want to go home


Look at all the people staying

Saying I don't want to go home

In the night .....

I don't want to go home

I know the words to the song I feel

I don't want to go home

I know it's talking about the way I feel

I don't want to go home


Listen baby


I know we had to try

to reach up and touch the sky baby

what ever happend to you and I

that I don't want to go home


I want to hear people laughing and having a good time

I want to know why she told me she had to go

Why did she leave me lonely


I know it's time to go

but I don't want to go home

You don't play the blues soft and low

cause I don't want to go home


Listen baby


I know we had to try

to reach up and touch the sky baby

what ever happend to you and I

that I don't want to go home


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 (Você paga parcelado em Reais e já sai do Brasil com os ingressos em mãos, evitando assim as filas das bilheterias).

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Para entender os diferentes tipos de ingressos para os parques de Orlando, veja este post

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